Crystals & Chakras

A chakra is a place or energetic space in which vital, nourishing energy flows through us. When crystals are used on the chakras, they eliminate distortions, because their internal geometry acts on the subtle and energetic levels of the chakras, aligning consciousness and mind with higher vibrations.

As vortexes of energy in the body, chakras transmute energy into matter and matter into energy. In Hindu culture, chakras are described without much detail in the Yogasutras of Patanjali, and later with much more detail in the Mahanirvana Tantra (Johari, 2000). In this more recent Hindu tradition, there are other chakras above and below the head and pelvis, but seven of them are considered primary centers connected by an energy channel that runs through the spine. Two of these chakras are vertical (Crown and Root) and five are horizontal. Each horizontal chakra expresses itself as a funnel in front and a funnel in the back.

The chakras also detect information about the world around us. Many sources of literature will say that a balanced chakra will spin clockwise and expands in spiral shape, keeping us focused and connected to the vital center of energy that flows within the body and connected to the Supreme Life Force. This literature will also say that when a chakra rotates counterclockwise, the vital energy moves from the dorsal center and emanates out of the body. We can also recoil distortions that emanate from the chakras in a counterclockwise movement, according to the Yogasutras of Patanjali.

Chakras are unhealthy when they are when there is no energy movement, which brings stagnation and blocks the chakra. Blocked chakras confuse our metabolism on a physical level and prevent proper absorption of world information on a subtle level. When a chakra is blocked or stagnant, our perception of the world changes, and we see through distorted filters and do not absorb the precise information.

If the chakras revolve counterclockwise, rather than absorbing the energies of the universe, they project our individual energy out. This confuses the objectivity of our minds, and we begin to feel as if reality is what our internal world emanates—a phenomenon otherwise known as projection.

The projections through chakras come from the specific area of location of each of them, and these areas have specific types of consciousness and affect specific areas of life. Since chakras are interconnected, what affects one chakra will eventually travel through the channel of connection and affect the next one, either positively or negatively. According to Johari, since our modern human experience is so disconnected from our life source and people rarely meditate, most human beings tend to have three or four chakras blocked at some point (Johari, 2000). For the sake of soul healing and alignment, and of consciousness expansion, it is necessary to constantly clear, balance, and strengthen our chakras to improve the overall condition of our bodies to strengthen our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

The arrangement of seven major chakras following a vertical line along the spine with a chromatic scale are described in detail by Mahanirvana Tantra, and the connections between the chakras form a path. Since the chakras relate to physical health, to emotional and psychological balance, and to higher levels of spiritual consciousness, this is a complete system of life connection on its own.

In some contemporary views of energy medicine, there are seven main chakras described in Mahanirvana Tantra, and other minor chakras anchored in the physical body. The seven chakras along the spine and skull are:

Muladhara (root chakra, first chakra anchored in our physical body),

Swadhisthana (sexual or sacral chakra),

Manipura (solar plexus or spleen chakra),

Anahata (heart chakra),

Vishuddha (throat chakra),

Ajna (brow or third-eye chakra), and

Sahashara (crown chakra, the last one anchored in the physical body).

Chakras are described as vortexes, but the image of a lotus flower to symbolize them is also used in the more poetic version of the Mahanirvana Tantra. Each chakra has a different number of petals, which the Mahanirvana Tantra describes as mind challenges we need to conquer with spiritual strength.

Despite the vast array of detailed information regarding animals, deities, and sounds, the “petals” are the most important focus as centers for consciousness and awareness in our Paola Ranova Spiritual Jewelry items. These “petals” refer to the most important mental modifications (Johari, 2000) or belief systems that rule our emotions, and eventually our physiology (Veltheim, 2011). When we observe the consciousness level of these “petals,” we can unblock our minds and release limiting beliefs—if we have the necessary discipline.

These seven major chakras are anchored in the human body and are represented in Hindu culture by images of lotus flowers with different numbers of petals, besides their animals, sounds, mantras, a divine couple (a male deity and its corresponding female consort to each main chakra), and other aspects. These petals represent specific qualities that are to be overcome, balanced, or cultivated, depending on the chakra in question. More than just qualities, the petals indicate trends or automatic movements inherent in the human condition, which will be detailed further along in this book.

The focus of our jewelry is in the colors (which are considered an important language of the soul) and the indication of specific types of emotions, ideas, or energies of the petals.

The effort to balance all the attributes of the chakras depends on each person’s free will. The choices and deliveries of each of us, the self-discipline, and the courage to admit our own failures and to deepen self-knowledge is a very personal journey. Various spiritual traditions affirm that when we make a choice, we can disrupt our lives, and when we surrender to the “right path,” it unfolds immediately in a calm, firm, and free-of-doubt manner. In this perspective of giving up free will on behalf of the surrender to a more powerful, benign life force, the path to take is not presented as a mental prison in an obsessive way, but rather, we become less vulnerable to the frivolous temptations of having too many options and losing focus.

Surrender and delivery of the right path come from within. It is a feeling that there is only one best road, only one way of living that always and consistently makes sense to us. This benign flow presents itself to us when all seven main chakras are aligned and properly connected.

Knowing the basic characteristics of the seven main chakras is important for consciousness expansion and for some knowledge about how distinct types of consciousness manifest in the physical body. In a CMLC perspective, everything happens on the subtle, conscious, and energetic levels before they manifest in our lives and physical bodies.

Below are some general descriptions of the most relevant aspects of each main chakra and the most powerful crystals to align them:

Muladhara—the Base or Root Chakra

This chakra expresses Earth element with red, and means “base of support” in Sanskrit. It is related to our physical sense of self and being connected to our physical body in a grounded, healthy way. It is a place in the body where consciousness without self-awareness resides, in which we follow collective consciousness blueprints of our families and our species.Located on the area of the perineum, Muladhara is a center of strength in the body. It is also called base chakra or root chakra, and ensures physical health and survival.

Recommended Cardinal Method Crystals: Red Garnet, Red Jasper


Swadhisthana—Sacral or Sexual Chakra

This chakra expresses the energy of water, and the main color in the rainbow spectrum is orange. It means “inner dwelling place” in Sanskrit. It is a center of creativity in the body. Swadhisthana is related to our unconscious mind and expresses the relationship of intimacy between the self and others. It rules all kinds of interpersonal relationships. Located about four finger widths below the navel, it is also called the sacral chakra or the sexual chakra and rules the sex drive, playback and enjoyment of life, and all denser forms of receptivity and assimilation (sexual pleasure, food tasting, and enjoyment of the general physical world).

Recommended Cardinal Method Crystal: Carnelian


Manipura—Solar Plexus Chakra


This chakra expresses the energy of fire with yellow, and it means “city of jewels” in Sanskrit. It is a center of personal power and self-esteem. Manipura expresses the relationship between self and the general social world. It rules self-affirmation as independence and autonomy, expression of one’s talents as source of prosperity, and balance in giving and receiving on social levels. Manipura expresses individuality in relationship to others, and it clears the way to allow the personal power of each person to shine. When this chakra is balanced, this self-expression does not overwhelm or overshadow anyone. In the Shakta tradition, personal power means respecting the uniqueness of each person, including self, and understanding that all individuals are equally beautiful and powerful in their potentials.

Recommended Cardinal Method Crystals: Golden Rutile, Citrine, GoldenTiger-Eye


Anahata—Heart Chakra


This chakra is associated with air element and means “untouched” in Sanskrit. It is a center of love in the body—love of self, love of others, and love for humanity.It is originally represented in Mahanirvana Tantra writings in earthy cinnabar and white and dry green colors. Contemporary spirituality often uses pink and bright emerald green to represent it. Sometimes represented only with the emerald-green color. Air element is expressed in Anahata, where our higher conscious individuality and personal truth awaken. Anahata balance brings a feeling that everything that makes us unique is respected and in harmony with the universe, and that is when we can join with and welcome others. In Anahata, we feel the truth and our personal feelings, and we also accept the feelings of others. This is where true compassion begins.

Recommended Cardinal Method Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Quartz, Green Aventurine


Ananda, or Thymus Chakra

Ananda means “the space of happiness” in Sanskrit. It is an additional lotus or smaller chakra located within Anahata, on the right side of the physical heart. This additional chakra represents the “spiritual” or “etheric” heart. Ananda emanates inspirations of sublime art and contemplation of beauty. It feels like a haven of peace where the inner guidance within each of us rests.This chakra vibrates in light-green, teal, and aqua colors and is sometimes called “the higher heart.” The thymus gland is a portal of the energy of happiness, which comes forth primarily when we share our truth and love with mankind.

Recommended Cardinal Method Crystal: Green Fluorite


Vishuddha—Throat Chakra

This chakra is associated with ether element, or space. Vishuddha is a spiritual chakra that in Sanskrit means “purification.” Located at the throat level, it is associated with the celestial-blue and bright-blue tones. It is a center of personal truth in the body. Originally represented in Mahanirvana Tantra writings in turquoise and white colors, it is where individuality and personal truth manifest. In Anahata we awaken to our individuality silently, and in Vishuddha, we express our personal truth and self-awareness.

Recommended Cardinal Method Crystals: Amazonite, Aquamarine, Blue Jade 


Ajna—Frontal Chakra, or Third Eye

Ajna is the sixth chakra and expresses itself with the colors violet or indigo blue. Located in the center of the forehead, Ajna represents light and means “point of command” in Sanskrit. It is connected to the pituitary gland, the eyes, and the hypothalamus (considered the emotional center of the brain), the regulation of the endocrine and nervous systems, and what we call the “sixth sense.”

Recommended Cardinal Method Crystals: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite


Sahashara—Crown Chakra

The Sanskrit meaning of Sahashara is “a thousand petals.” Its colors are platinum, white, or clear crystal, and it is symbolized as a lotus of a thousand petals of crystalline light with a sphere in the center. Sahashara is located at the top of the head. Like Muladhara, which directs its energy to and from the Earth in a vertical direction, it directs energy to and from the sky within the physical body. The other chakras are connected in the horizontal direction and have outlets in the front and back of the body.This chakra is the expression of God connection, unity, and silence.

Recommended Cardinal Method Crystal: Clear Quartz